September 19th, 2022

CorpsAfrica is transforming Africa's development sector from dependency on external aid to strengthening and empowering its most important asset: its people. Founded by Liz Fanning in 2011, it teaches highly educated young Africans how to listen to local populations by developing volunteerism, patience, and building on local assets. CorpsAfrica recently expanded its geographic scope from four to six nations within Africa, and over 99% of communities have asked for more volunteers.
CorpsAfrica reached out to Knowledge Impact Network (KIN) for help. With its goal of growing to all 54 of Africa's nations within the next ten years, Liz Fanning asked, “How could CorpsAfrica leverage partnerships as a means to accelerate the capacity and provide more young Africans with the opportunity to combat poverty in rural communities?” KIN hosted a 90-minute Catalyze Session bringing together diverse leaders, Knowledge Partners, with expertise to address this very question. Knowledge Partners in attendance included Colin Boyle, Eli Ingraham, Jim Clark, Rodger D. Moss, Jr., and Sue Stephenson. The group candidly discussed the "elephants in the room" and developed various strategic solutions. At the end of the session, CorpsAfrica received "Knowledge Pledges" from each Knowledge Partner, including commitments to facilitate CorpsAfrica generating more significant impact through partnerships and introducing Liz Fanning to valuable leads.
“To have the uninterrupted focus of this group of superstar advisors was exciting, and their supportive feedback was helpful and validating. They encouraged us to think big and leverage success - and they offered to help beyond the session, which we weren't expecting and for which we're deeply grateful. We've already started to think bigger, bolder, and with more confidence and direction,” said Liz Fanning.