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Impact Circles are global forums that enable advocates and social entrepreneurs to connect and collaborate with peers committed to a common cause. Together they learn, advance solutions, share resources, and support successful social ventures making a mark—all powered by KIN’s diverse, global leadership networks.

Below is a summary of the current Impact Circle causes and our Impact Circle Interest Form.

Details about our Impact Circle Services can be found here.

Core Human Needs Causes

Solving Homelessness, Providing Dignity Circle: Unsheltered homelessness is an unacceptable moral failure. Current strategies aren't working.What if we used private-sector, practical analysis of the problem without constraints of idealism, metrics, or bureaucratic realities? An interim housing solution has been in the market for several years and is working. This impact circle will focus on how to accelerate and scale this solution.

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Agriculature-Smart Climate Transition Circle (Circle Filled): 70% of Zimbabweans are dependent on agriculture. 40-60% of the population faced acute food insecurity and extreme poverty driven by extreme climate and rampant inflation. The objective of this impact circle is to co-develop and communicate usable weather and crop data for small holder farmers, empowering them to make wise decisions that increase their economic prosperity. Piloting in Zimbabwe, this process can be replicated in other markets.

Enhancing Food Security through Innovation Circle: 800 million people worldwide experience hunger, driven by a conflict, poverty, climate change, or lack ofaccess to resources. At the same time, new technology and innovative approaches have emerged that can dramatically scale solutions to prevent hunger. Awareness of and investment in these solutions are limited. This impact circle will explore what innovations exist and will tackle how to bolster awareness andinvestment to end world hunger.

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Access to Healthcare in the Global South Circle: Many countries in the Global South struggle with inadequate healthcare infrastructure, including a shortage of hospitals, clinics, and healthcare professionals. Maternaland child health, for instance, are critical challenges that need to be solved. This impact circle will explore current initiatives to expand access to healthcare and take action to accelerate community access to basic healthcare.

Advancing Mental Health Services through Technology Circle:
The demand for youth mental health services in the U.S. far exceeds the capacity of mental health practitioners today. At the same time, AI technology has enabled great potential to provide large-scale access to treatment tools to those unable to access live services. This impact circle aims to accelerate the launch of solutions that could enable more youth to have access to critical mental health treatment tools.

The Impact of Social Media on Teen Mental Health and Safety Circle: Recent Senate Judiciary hearings and advisories from the U.S. Surgeon General highlight the alarming impact of social media on teens, including increased risks of mental health problems, depression, anxiety, and exposure to harmful content such as bullying and exploitation. Despite growing awareness and calls for action, social media platforms have yet to implement effective measures to protect minors from these dangers. How can we effectively address the harmful impact of social media on teens, including issues such as bullying, harassment, exploitation, and mental health risks, to ensure their well-being and safety online?

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Accelerating Technologies to Support the Disabled Circle: Technologies exist that can greatlyimprove the livelihood of those with disabilities, but there is limited investment in research and funding in this space. This impact circle will bring together different stakeholders to create a more coordinated effort to bring to market technological solutions that can make meaningful differences to the disabled.

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Workforce Readiness Causes

Preparing Youth in Africa for the Future of Work Circle: Africa is projected to have the largest population of youth by 2030. If effectively harnessed, this demographic can contribute significantly to the continent’s economic growth and development. This impact circle seeks to coordinate existing and expandtraining and employment opportunities for young Africans.

Preparing Youth in America for the Future of Work Circle: 21st century jobs require skills that youth today are not equipped to provide. Training programs are fragmented, and furthermore, training programs do not necessarily provide youth direct access to employment opportunities. How can underserved youth in America obtain relevant training AND employment opportunities?

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Protecting Our Planet Causes

African Solutions Impact Circle (Circle Filled): Create a brighter future for Africa by being a conduit to convert Africa’s pressing challenges into opportunities that can be addressed at scale. Three specific action networks are being discussed within the Circle: nature-based solutions and biodiversity, climate change, and food security/agriculture.

Expanding Carbon Removal Initiatives Circle: Reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is an imperative for people and the planet. There are many different approaches to address this, including reforestation, water-based solutions, and soil carbon sequestration techniques. How can the various carbon removal initiatives coordinate and scale efforts more rapidly to mitigate climate change for the benefit of all?

Expanding Clean Water Access Circle: Over 2.2 billion people in the world do not have access to clean and safe drinking water. Simple, effective, community-driven solutions exist, but access to these solutions is a challenge. This impact circle will dive into how solutions can be scaled more rapidly to bring clean water to communities.

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Impact Circle Interest Form

Please complete the form below, and select one or multiple causes you are interested in.

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KIN is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization based in Virginia. The cost of participation in a Circle is $1,950, plus a one-time $300 initiation fee. You are not committing to payment by filling out this form, you are just sharing your interest.

Adopt-a-Cause -- Sponsor-a-Participant

Members can be sponsored by their companies or philanthropists who may choose to 'adopt-a-cause' or sponsor one or more members. By donating, you are supporting KIN’s ability to operate Impact Circles around the world to accelerate solutions to our world’s urgent challenges and may be eligible for a tax deduction.

Please ensure that all required fields marked with asterisk (*) have been completed.

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