ACT-Z (Agricultural Climate Smart Transformation – Zimbabwe)

Protecting our Planet
ACT-Z addresses food security and climate resiliency in Zimbabwe by collaborating with the Zimbabwe Meteorological and Agricultural ministries to develop and communicate usable weather and crop data for farmers.

The Need

A group of interested parties including representatives from UC Santa Barbara Climate Hazard Center and the Zimbabwe Meterological Service Department asked KIN to activate a Circle for ongoing conversations to assist improving Zimbabwe’s food security and climate resiliency. (Circle)

Project Impact

KIN offered its Circle platform as a communications vehicle between different members, and as a way to enlist new interested parties. It has helped ACT-Z secure a team of people to develop a website for the Meteorological Services Department as the first step to providing climate data. KIN connected ACT-Z with Weather Impact, the organization in the Netherlands which provides agribusinesses with easy to access, reliable weather forecasts and climate information. KIN also arranged for ACT-Z to meet a climate expert from the Agromet Services division of the Indian Meteorological Department to learn more about their advisories to farmers and how they communicate daily crop/agrometeorology advisories for each of the several hundred ag districts and for their different crops based on recent and forecast weather conditions via the internet.
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